A Rainy Vacation Day is Better than a Sunny Work Day

Rainbow Over Rio Grande

So you came on vacation to Puerto Rico expecting all blue skies and sunny beaches. And now it’s raining. Or maybe pouring is a better description!

Don’t worry. All is not lost. There are plenty of things to do on your PR vacation that don’t require perfect weather.

With terms like “wet season”, “hurricane season”, or just because you are coming on vacation, you’re looking at the weather report and wondering if visiting Puerto Rico at certain times of year is a good thing or a bad thing.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: Here’s our weather report for every day of the year … partly sunny, with a chance of rain. It’s sunny, then it rains, then the sun comes back out. Yes, we occasionally get slammed with a major storm, where it will be grey and rainy for days… but the same can be said for any prime tourist destinations anywhere in the world. On any given day, the weather may be very different in different parts of the island. When it’s raining in the north-east, it may very well be dry in Ponce or on the west coast. Sometimes we can see it raining just a few miles away from us, but it is sunny where we are!

The key is knowing that you don’t have to sit in your hotel room when the weather turns gray. Maybe a look at our blog will help you out.

As we write more articles, we’ll be putting a RainyDay tag on those things that we think are good to do when it’s a less-than-ideal beach day.

Come to think of it, this list might also come in handy on those I-really-should-have-used-more-sunscreen days. 🙂

And sometimes just sitting on your balcony with a drink and a good book or movie are exactly what you need!

Puerto Rico Day Trips LLC assumes no responsibility regarding your safety when participating in the activities described in this article. Please use common sense! If your mother or that little voice in your head tells you that you are about to do something stupid â€Ļ then don't do it! Read more about Safety →

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